Friday, September 5, 2008

Wrapping up Summertime...

Swimming almost every day...
It's always more fun with Dad in the water

Amelia turned 2 years old on August 30th!

Grandma filled a purse with lollipops & treats...
only the very best for breakfast!

To top it off she gets a little pampered by big sis Liza

A perfect weather day to walk home from church

and then school begins


Lori said...

I miss the pool already!

something good said...

You did it! This is going to be so much fun because I don't have to do any work, just log on and smile! Keep em coming, I'm loving this!

Julie said...

Your girls are so dang cute!! Your older three could be triplets! When did you have all these kids? Where have I been?

Kim said...

When I saw the picture of you and the three of your girls I thought..."TRIPLETS? I thought she only had twins!" :) Very cute!
Has anyone told you that you look like (a better looking) Helen Hunt?

Thanks for sharing! Too bad we still don't live in MO. (well, not really) but I'd love to see you! Better let me know the next time you come to Utah!