Monday, September 8, 2008

The Before pictures...

There is the wall we took out
Here is the bar we made into a pantry so that I wouldn't be tempted
to serve my children Martinis during the day (or myself)

The lovely eat-in kitchen with not one but two layers of wallpaper

The only thing we kept here is the fridge that
works great in the garage!

Here is the old pantry where our Fridge now sits.
I love Before and Afters, I believe I inherited that gene from my Mom. Who
by the way, convinced us to buy the house that just needed a 'little' updating!
I realize I'm not doing these posts in order so scroll down for the After pics.

1 comment:

something good said...

DIVINE DESIGN!! Be careful, you might get the bloggers attitude, you know the one, I'm to witty for my own good...the bar and martinis!! Chew make me laugh!!!