Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some Lovin' in the Oven

We just wanted Amelia to feel a part of the School Gang

Amelia..."going to 'cool' mom. going to cool."

After such a long, long walk down the driveway for Amelia,
and after 2.5 hours of pre-school...Summer and Tessa were just famished,
and after a full day of first grade carrying a backpack half Eliza's size...
Some definite lovin' from the oven was needed!
I agree...not too pretty...yet

What do ya' think now? mmm, mmm, good.

Until you get a little distracted & overbake a batch.
Mom, if you were here I would have kept them in 10 minutes longer!
For those two sisters who are crazy enough to be off sugar, here is a sugar-free
picture just for you...

Ahh, sisterly love.

1 comment:

something good said...

thanks for the sugar-free pic - It didn't help much, I'm still feeing very deprived of those ever lovin favorite treats of mine...choco chip cookies!