Sunday, September 25, 2011

What a difference a year makes...back then his Mom was in control

 but these days,

the two year old wins and he even wears a medal to prove it.


Kelly said...

LOVE the outfit! I saw him in the hall today. So stinkin' cute.

Unknown said...

ok I am on the computer at midnight looking at my adorable grandchildren well, 6 out of 22 of them. I am so lucky I got thru those 7 pregnancies and they all had wonderful kids...another is coming soon, this time from china, a little boy. thanks zana for keeping up with your blog. call you from LJ......

Unknown said...

um, zana that was me mom on your last comment. just in case you didn't guess.......

something good said...

I love it when I laugh out loud at a computer screen!

u must be gettin your sleep to be posting such comical relief...lucky!

Anonymous said...

that was awesome oh Tommy you have no idea that it's not normal for boys to wear pink boots and when you win next time be sure to just flex your arms and kiss each one so we know you are on the right track haha love it

Denice said...

It was like a little present when I finally checked your blog and saw all of these funny posts... and esp. these pics of Thomas! He is such a Rock Star! We think he is amazing!