HOUSTON...we have a problem
we have a momma's boy on our hands.
i see my mommy & i so happy
so i look at someone else & when i realize it's not my mommy...
i get a wittle sad
(nobody wants to hold a crying baby so I need to get a handle on this before he gets married, I will be posting an ad for a full time nanny soon. You may send resume for me to review)
oh my! CUTE!!
OH MY WORD! I am screaming really loud right now! That was the cutest post ever! I'll email my resume pronto!
Seriously I want to grab that little lip. I don't know if I like pouty faces more or smiles. Too Cute
uncle kelsey said: "that kid is so good lookin".
why do i feel so full of pride when he says that? its not like i had anything to do with his genetic makeup but i do take the credit silently..i know i need therapy!
Hi Zana,
This is Travis Winder, I am James's old friend from college. I found your blog and wanted to find out what James is up to these days. Congratulations on the new baby!
So, have James send me an email or something (twinder@byu.net). And check out our family blog at jenandtravis.blogspot.com
I'm still screaming!
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