Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stinky Feet?

I do miss James...reminding the girls to pick up their shoes (he's out of town for the week) Who would have thought that these little feet could get themselves in trouble by what they wear...
And this doesn't even include the fall/winter boots. My Dad solved the shoe problem with his five girls by hiding the pair of shoes we innocently left hanging around and when we would frantically be looking for them he told us he threw them away (so harsh) but we usually found them a few days later in the garage. Now when I trip over a pair of shoes I want to yell out to blame someone but their usually mine.

the only way this problem will ever be solved in our household is to move to Africa and go barefoot. Good luck to us.


Lori said...

It is too true to be funny!

Amy said...

Why move to Africa? I can't keep shoes on my kids to save my life! I find shoes all over the place too but instead of by the front door I find them in the garden, under the trampoline, at the neighbors house.... :)


carrie said...

Cute shoes! I remember Lydia saying one day that she wanted "high heals" like Summer and Tessa have.