Thursday, April 15, 2010

oh what do you do in the Spring time

when an aunty comes to town? You keep her up in the night and make her hold you real tight, oh that's what you do I
I didn't know he would take me literally when I said 'say cheese'


Anonymous said...

i went for a walk and had lots of long talks and did lots of shopping toooo is that what you do so do i. go without bras until nooonnn.. is that what you do so do i. eat a whole pan of rice krispy treats. change baby into cute clothes all dayyyyy is that what you do I DID MORE!!!
it was a blast and as always not enough time!

something good said...

Priceless...the baby that is! Tammy is way too high maintenance:)

Your subjects are simply gorgeous!

Amie Orton said...

oh my, shoot me! he is hilarious. Is he going blonde?